COVID-19 Update to our customers

Dear customers

It has been another big day in the COVID world.  With new laws arriving in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales, we are updating our company policy so that we can keep things consistent.


From midnight Sunday, everyone on a McColl’s site outside Western Australia will be wearing a face mask.  This is already a law in Victoria and we are extending it to sites in other eastern states as part of our McColl’s commitment to minimising transmission of COVID-19.

Our people will be wearing disposable masks and/or a McColl’s branded face mask (pictured) when visiting customer and supplier sites – even sites that have not yet mandated the use of masks.  Consistency is an important value for us.

Border crossings:

The borders between Victoria and South Australia, NSW and Queensland are all subject to new rules.  Some of these could lead to delays, COVID-19 testing and more paperwork.

We are managing fatigue carefully around these delays and have asked our people to take a break if they feel tired. We will make sure that our customers are informed of delays to deliveries that impact them.

The world will continue to change, we will continue to keep you updated and together we will continue to adapt.

Thank you to everyone for all that you are doing to keep McColl’s running as well as possible in these challenging times.

Best regards

Simon Thornton

COVID-19 update to staff 31 July 2020

Hi there Team-McColl’s

It has been another big day in the COVID world.  With new laws arriving in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales, we are updating our company policy so that we can keep things consistent.


From midnight Sunday, everyone on a McColl’s site outside Western Australia should be wearing a face mask.  This is already a law in Victoria and we are extending it to sites in other eastern states as part of our McColl’s commitment to minimizing transmission of COVID-19.  We also ask that McColl’s people wear face masks when visiting customer and supplier sites – even sites that have not yet mandated the use of masks.  Consistency is an important value for us.

We have purchased McColl’s-branded reusable face masks as part of the company uniform which we will be distributing as quickly as possible to each site.  There should be enough in the initial shipment for drivers and mechanics to take 2 each (to rotate them in the wash).  More will arrive next week and the week after.  Until you receive these, please keep using the disposable face masks that have already been circulated around the company.

Border crossings:

The borders between Victoria and South Australia, NSW and Queensland are all subject to new rules.  Some of these could lead to delays, COVID-19 testing and more forms to be completed.  I know that this is going to be frustrating for our drivers at times so I ask for everyone to please take this as an opportunity to show how professional we are as a company.

We need to manage fatigue carefully around these delays – anyone who feels tired should take a break.

Please always be respectful of the government staff working at the border – they are doing a difficult job and the changing rules make it hard for them also.

Please don’t get drawn into social media commentary on the restrictions – they aren’t perfect, no one wants them but we all have to live with them for now for the good of our society.

The world will continue to change, we will keep everyone updated and together we will continue to adapt.

Thank you to everyone for all that you are doing to keep McColl’s running as well as possible in these challenging times.

Stay safe on the road.


New Truck in the Fleet

We are very excited to have a new truck in our fleet!

The Freightliner Cascadia 126 (pictured left) is operating with a B-double milk tanker and is powered by a 16-litre Detroit engine and a 12-speed automated manual transmission. It is equipped with all the modern safety features, is fuel efficient and comfortable.  The safety features that are not normally seen on conventional trucks in Australia include an automatic emergency braking system, pedestrian detection, collision avoidance and other systems that use radar sensors and cameras to survey the truck’s surroundings.

Safety First is at the top of our company values, so we are especially keen on these new features being introduced with the Cascadia.