Earlier this week we were informed that 2 of our NSW based drivers attended the Cross Roads Hotel during the period 3rd – 10th July. As directed by the NSW authorities, both employees are self-isolating and were tested. Test results confirmed negative, and both remain in isolation for the 14 day period.
As the situation continues to evolve please be extra careful in hygiene and social distancing…..this is a time when it is best to avoid crowded places if you can.
If you have any symptoms please stay home and contact your Manager.
This kind of thing is bound to happen as the infection spreads. Rather than announcing every possible link between the virus and the company, we will follow the prevailing government rules and handle each situation at the local site. We will communicate to everyone if there is a confirmed case in the McColl’s community.
We are all working through this as well as we can.
Stay safe everyone.